I'm a little embarrassed that this blog is called A Working Mom's World and I haven't posted since I started working!! I guess it just goes to show how busy things got!!
Since it's almost my 1 year blogaversary, I thought I would do a catch up post! So what have we been up to in the past 7 months?
I went back to work April 2. It didn't take long before it felt like I hadn't left! It didn't help (or maybe it did help) that I got back right in time for the summer rush. The days would fly by and I didn't even realize it! Most of my work friendships fell right back into place and I even made a few new ones! Having a kid gives you something to talk about with almost everyone! People without kids love to hear the cute things your kid does, and people with kids like to commiserate over the sleepless nights!
Ahh those sleepless nights!! Charlotte adjusted really well to daycare, but as expected she got sick, and Melvin got sick, and I got sick, and over and over again it went. People kept saying, "it's good, it's good! She will build up her immune system!!" and apparently so will we!! Within the first 2 months of daycare, Charlotte had an ear infection, a few colds and pink eye. Melvin also got pink eye since he graciously was able to stay home with her! I got a few colds, and thankfully escaped the pink eye! AFter the first few months, things got considerably better. She is actually getting over a cold and ear infection now, but this is the first in a while. Let me tell you, seeing Curious Caterpillars come up on my call ID at work is never a good thing! They do take great care of her, but if she has a fever, she is sent home and has to be fever free for 24 hours, which means at least a day and a half off work for one of us!! Back to sleep...or lack thereof, Char was sleeping soooo well before daycare, she got sick and we lost track of time...she started needing the comfort during the night again, so up we got, we took turns though since 6am comes realllllly fast!! A few weeks ago, we decided to re sleep train her. She cried a few times the first few nights, but the past few weeks she's been really good! Sleep is so important when you have to use your brain during the day and not just watch TV!!
So here we are, fall is in full force. Summer flew by! We went to Timmins twice for weddings, my parents visited at least that many times and now Melvin's dad is here for a week before they fly off to Europe on a 2nd honeymoon! November is shaping up to be a really busy month for Melvin and I with work events and catching up with friends we've neglected in the past few months. But such is life when there is a major change happening! Thankfully everyone seems to get it!
Melvin joined the gym and goes on his lunch hour. I'm back with my Mommy Fitness Group on Saturday mornings and I've taken to running in the morning before work ok - I've gone twice, but that's because last week was a washout with all the rain and I fully intend to go at least 3 times this week!!
I promise to check in more often!! But I leave you with a few pics of the past few months. We no longer have a baby, but a running, talking, mess making toddler!!
Until next time...enjoy!