Monday, October 27, 2014

No turning back now!!

Well it's official! On Friday I signed up for the Toronto Women's Run Half Marathon on May 24, 2015.

I did the 5k in this series last week and it's such a great event! It's super well organized and the route is nice! I did the run with my Momma's Fitness Class leader Laura. She's actually 16 weeks pregnant with her 3rd and I was 10 weeks post partum with Archer.

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I didn't have expectations for the run since I just started the couch to 5k a few weeks ago, but I thought it would be fun and it was a beautiful day. The weather could not have been any better for a run. I thought long and hard about how I would run. I wasn't sure if i would just go for it, or follow my app, or go back to my run 10 minutes, walk 1 minute. I finally decided to do the run 10, walk 1 and I added in one short walk of about 30 seconds just past 8k which I totally could have done without but I caved to my internal pressure. Anyways, my final time was 31:03 and I came in at 148\412 so I was pretty happy. Last spring, I was running 5k in about 27-28 minutes so I still have some work to do, but I crossed the finish line smiling!!

I've also done a ton of research on preparing for a half marathon. My Pinterest is proof of that! I looked at quite a few apps, because that's what works for me. I finally settled on the Lululemon Sea Wheeze 1/2 marathon app.

The dates are wrong obviously, but I just modified it to fit my schedule.

It starts 14 weeks out, so I have some time. Until then, I will work myself up to a comfortable 5k by finishing the couch25k and then work up to a 10k on my own.

Here is what I did this past week:
Monday: rest
Tuesday: Stroller fit was rained out and it was too rainy for me to run with Archer - so rest
Wednesday: C25K Week 4 day 3 - 3.68km with the stroller - pace - 6:41/km
Thursday: C25K Week 5 day 1 - 3.25km with the stroller - pace - 6:39/km
Friday: rest
Saturday: Toronto Women's Run 5k - pace 5:57/km (run 10 mins, walk 1 min)

Archer is a great running partner! He loves the jogging stroller and we just make sure to slow down
and avoid the bumps!

On to a new week, stroller fit is moving indoors, so I'll have to rework my schedule, but i've been enjoying the late fall sunshine!

Here are a few pics of our week!

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Have a great day!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Maternity Leave #2, Getting Organized and Half Marathon!

Hello Blog Readers!! (and by that I mean my mom, and the one daycare mom who told me she found my blog - Hi!!)

Here we are 2.5 months into my second maternity leave. Archer was born on August 11 at 5:55pm at Mount Sinai! Things have been great, not sure if he is just more relaxed, or if we are more relaxed, probably a bit of both! I've already cleaned the house more times this mat leave than I did the whole time I was off with Charlotte.

Although I seem to have reallllly cute children, they don't sleep. It's a good thing they are so cute. Charlotte sleeps great now, but it was a struggle. Archer gives me 2-3 hour stretches, but that's it! - I know this is phase and this too shall pass. That's what I tell myself anyways

Anyhow, I'm taking advantage of my time off by organizing the house and training for a half marathon.

I've managed to keep our freezer organized and last week I re did all of our spices into little mason jars. I've been meal planning for the week and doing groceries on Mondays to prepare for the week. So far so good.

I'm doing the 5k next weekend. I've done a few races in that series and they are all great. So great in fact, I've decided to sign up for their half marathon in May! I haven't signed up yet but I will. I've looked up the training and I think it's something I can do over the next 7 months. I'm happy it'll be my first half, so I will be going in with no expectations. I'm well aware that since I'm breastfeeding full time, I will half to be careful and I've been looking into the proper nutrition to make sure Archer and I both stay nice and healthy. I'm also working on getting my mom to join me! I think it would be great, especially since it's a ladies run!

I'm going to try and blog about my training. I love reading those types of blogs and I always find them motivating! So here is the first post, I hope to update one a week with my training from the previous week and the plan for the upcoming.

Any encouraging thoughts and advice is welcome!!

It's currently pouring rain, so i'm off to snuggle with Archer and research winter running gear for me!